[Ubuntu-us-id] Ubuntu Idaho LoCo Meeting

Sheri Elgin sheri.elgin at ubuntuidaho.org
Fri Nov 16 04:13:16 UTC 2012

What:    Ubuntu Idaho LoCo Meeting

Where:  Open Lab Idaho

When:   Tuesday, November 27, 6:30-7:30 PM

Topics:  25 mins:  Ubuntu - Command Line & File Structure

             10 mins:  Android – Push Notifications

             10 mins:  Ubuntu – Data Recovery

              5  mins:  Google – G+

Greetings! If you haven’t already heard, we are rebooting the Ubuntu Idaho
LoCo (local community) Team.  We will be meeting the last Tuesday of every
month, which makes our next meeting *November 27th, 6:30-7:30 PM*. We will
be meeting in the Open Lab Idaho meeting space, near Chinden and Fairview.
Physical address is 108 W 33rd Street, Garden City,
it is next door to the Reuseum, across the way from the Payette Brewing

We are going to modify the format of the meetings to reduce the overhead,
which means a little shorter and instead of 2-3 major topics, we will be
doing 1-2 longer discussions, ending  with a few shorter ‘lightning talks’
or demos – generally 5-15 minutes each.

We have had a few requests to do a refresher on command line, so we plan to
review file structure and some useful command line, followed up by a few
lightning talks.

Hope to see you there!
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