Michael Trausch mike at trausch.us
Fri Apr 23 23:26:18 BST 2010

On Fri, 2010-04-23 at 18:15 -0400, Keith Kuslak wrote:
> Also check out /var/log/Xorg.0.log and see what the last few (maybe up
> to 20ish lines or so ... just keep reading backwards until you see an
> error)

A nifty trick that some don't know for reading log files backwards:  use
tac, not cat.

	--- Mike

Even if their crude and anticompetitive business practices don't make
you think about using their software, their use of sweatshops and child
labor should:  boycott Microsoft like you would any other amoral child
abuser:  http://is.gd/btW8m

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