new Koala grub info?

Paul Cartwright ubuntu at
Thu Nov 19 21:54:24 GMT 2009

On Thu November 19 2009, Phillip Tarrant wrote:
> Did you upgrade to koala? or do a fresh install?

I have a separate /home partition, so I always do a new install..
then I just reinstall anything I had that WASN'T part of the normal install.

> Koala installs grub2 if doing a fresh install...

right, that's what happened to me :)

> i am 99% sure it doesn't update grub if you do an upgrade.
> I upgraded as to avoid using grub2 as its MUCH more complicated to edit
> then grub....
eh, wish I would have know THAT before I started..

> Here is all you need to know about grub2

hmmm.. this is GOOD! but it makes me wonder how, with a new install, and a 
newly formatted "/" does it have 4 different linux boot options, when there 
is only xp & Koala available...

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800
Registered Ubuntu User #12459

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