
Bryan Basil bryanlbasil at gmail.com
Thu May 28 20:39:56 BST 2009

Joshua Chase wrote:
> Or we could focus those energies into the 2nd annual Atlant aLinux Fest.
> I think but pigeon holing ourselves into just ubuntu would cut off a
> lot of the OSS community that would otherwise be an asset.
> Josh
> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Bryan Basil <bryanlbasil at gmail.com
> <mailto:bryanlbasil at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Jim Popovitch wrote:
>>     On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 13:58, Bryan Basil<bryanlbasil at gmail.com> <mailto:bryanlbasil at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>     Hello, everyone. :-)
>>>     I've spoken with a couple of people on the LoCo team, including Jon Reagan,
>>>     and proposed the idea of an Ubucon.  An Ubucon is pretty much a gathering of
>>>     Ubuntu users in a select area, usually organised by its LoCo.  In my idea,
>>>     however, the activities might be a bit different, as I would invite anyone
>>>     who would like to show up, and perhaps run advertisements in the newspaper.
>>>     I would try to gather a lot of sponsors, so we could get enough money to do
>>>     everything that I'd like to do (maybe rent a small park, get tents/whatever
>>>     to set up, and build stands).
>>>     I think a big part of this would be presentations of the software, and the
>>>     opportunity for non-users to test run Ubuntu to see how it feels.  There
>>>     might be talk-backs and Q and A presentations as well; the possibilities are
>>>     pretty endless provided we actually see the money.
>>>     Anyway, it's only an idea as of now, and I'm just seeing where it will go
>>>     from here at this point.
>>>     I'd like to propose that all who are interested meet in an irc meeting TBA,
>>>     so we can discuss other ideas.  No matter what form this idea takes, I'd
>>>     like to see it happen.
>>>     I suppose we should just post to this list with our email addresses, and the
>>>     next person to add his or her name to the list can copy/paste the others,
>>>     holding them in place and building a collective list.  Once I see a
>>>     substantial amount of support (maybe 10 people) I will organize when the
>>>     meeting will take place, and in what room.
>>     How would any of that be different from what we have now?
>>     -Jim P.
>     https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubucon
>     Regards,
>     Bryan
>     --
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> -- 
> -Joshua Chase
> http://ubuntupodcast.net
> http://linuxcrypt.net
I wasn't planning on actually holding this event for another year, or
more.  Well after the ALF.

I was told by Jon that the Atlanta Linux Fest came about because there
weren't enough interested people in the community for the beefed-up
Ubucon to hold any water.  So, the interested people went on to create
the Atlanta Linux Fest.

I'd like to take this one step further, but not necessarily any time soon. 

I hope I've better explained myself.
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