Joshua Chase
joshua.d.chase at gmail.com
Thu May 28 20:09:48 BST 2009
Or we could focus those energies into the 2nd annual Atlant aLinux Fest.
I think but pigeon holing ourselves into just ubuntu would cut off a lot of
the OSS community that would otherwise be an asset.
On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 2:50 PM, Bryan Basil <bryanlbasil at gmail.com> wrote:
> Jim Popovitch wrote:
> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 13:58, Bryan Basil<bryanlbasil at gmail.com> <bryanlbasil at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, everyone. :-)
> I've spoken with a couple of people on the LoCo team, including Jon Reagan,
> and proposed the idea of an Ubucon. An Ubucon is pretty much a gathering of
> Ubuntu users in a select area, usually organised by its LoCo. In my idea,
> however, the activities might be a bit different, as I would invite anyone
> who would like to show up, and perhaps run advertisements in the newspaper.
> I would try to gather a lot of sponsors, so we could get enough money to do
> everything that I'd like to do (maybe rent a small park, get tents/whatever
> to set up, and build stands).
> I think a big part of this would be presentations of the software, and the
> opportunity for non-users to test run Ubuntu to see how it feels. There
> might be talk-backs and Q and A presentations as well; the possibilities are
> pretty endless provided we actually see the money.
> Anyway, it's only an idea as of now, and I'm just seeing where it will go
> from here at this point.
> I'd like to propose that all who are interested meet in an irc meeting TBA,
> so we can discuss other ideas. No matter what form this idea takes, I'd
> like to see it happen.
> I suppose we should just post to this list with our email addresses, and the
> next person to add his or her name to the list can copy/paste the others,
> holding them in place and building a collective list. Once I see a
> substantial amount of support (maybe 10 people) I will organize when the
> meeting will take place, and in what room.
> How would any of that be different from what we have now?
> -Jim P.
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ubucon
> Regards,
> Bryan
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-Joshua Chase
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