8.10 upgrade

Paul Cartwright ubuntu at pcartwright.com
Wed Oct 15 20:24:36 BST 2008

ok, I think I screwed up my install..
I had a nice setup of 8.04 KDE4 , and decided to take the plunge and
upgrade to 8.10. Once complete, restarted X and... when I logged into
the kde4 desktop, I got 2 blank windows and no icons & no tray.
CTRL-ALT-backspace, logged into gnome, no problem. A few changes, tried
to add a few packages, and now it gives me the choice of kde sessions &
gnome, but not kde4. What is the magic command to reinstall or get kde4
desktop working?? I mean, I LIKE gnome :) but I wanna show off KDE4's
new desktop <G>
Paul ( what happened to my sig??)

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