Ubuntu-us-ga Digest, Vol 22, Issue 4
Siafu Linux
siafulinux at gmail.com
Sat Oct 4 17:50:14 BST 2008
Hey Eric
Sounds like you're having a pretty frustrating situation there... Right now
I'm sitting on my Mint desktop and while they seem to have kept up with the
community in "what a user wants" there are also some things they seem to
have removed that Ubuntu put in? Not sure why - a little odd for a distro
that's doing so well in my opinion.
Anyway, not exactly sure how to help you with your problem, but thought I'd
mention a small tool that may be of assistance.
a graphical user interface for accessing dos formatted floppies
MToolsFM is a graphical interface to the mtools package, which provides
stateless (= no mounting) access to FAT (DOS) formatted floppy diskettes.
Just do a "sudo apt-get install mtoolsfm" or run Synaptic. Perhaps that will
help you get your files onto your local drive and perhaps then you can
change ownership / permissions to work with them.
You will need to run it "MToolsFM" (cap sensitive of course) from the
command line as it doesn't seem to add a menu entry.
Hope this offers some help.
On Sat, Oct 4, 2008 at 7:00 AM, <ubuntu-us-ga-request at lists.ubuntu.com>wrote:
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> Today's Topics:
> 1. Re: Changing ownership on floppy (Brian Pitts)
> 2. Re: Changing ownership on floppy (Eric Weir)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2008 14:01:57 -0400
> From: Brian Pitts <brian at polibyte.com>
> Subject: Re: Changing ownership on floppy
> To: Georgia Ubuntu Mailing List <ubuntu-us-ga at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <1223056917.17146.0.camel at square>
> Content-Type: text/plain
> On Thu, 2008-10-02 at 16:46 -0400, Eric Weir wrote:
> > 8.04. I right-clicked on the icon, thinking I'd get the option to mount
> > from the context menu, but didn't. So I went the command line route
> > using sudo.
> What happens if you double-click it?
> -Brian
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 03 Oct 2008 14:31:41 -0400
> From: Eric Weir <eeweir at bellsouth.net>
> Subject: Re: Changing ownership on floppy
> To: Georgia Ubuntu Mailing List <ubuntu-us-ga at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <48E6650D.6070800 at bellsouth.net>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> On 10/3/2008 Brian Pitts wrote:
> > On Thu, 2008-10-02 at 16:46 -0400, Eric Weir wrote:
> >
> >> 8.04. I right-clicked on the icon, thinking I'd get the option to mount
> >> from the context menu, but didn't. So I went the command line route
> >> using sudo.
> >>
> >
> > What happens if you double-click it?
> >
> I'm not running it at the moment, but when I tried yesterday after
> getting the feedback from Kevin, nothing happened. Right-click gave me a
> context menu without a mount option. On the other hand after the drive
> was mounted, right-click gave me a context menu with an unmount option!
> I don't know it this is unique to Linux Mint or not. I can't imagine
> they would change that. [While I'm at it, I will say that of all the
> flavors of Ubuntu I've given a serious try -- Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and
> Xubuntu -- it's the one I like the most. I love the desktop and the
> colors. ]
> I don't know if I said it on this thread or not -- I know I have
> somewhere -- I imagine my Linux experience would've been less
> frustrating if [1] I had invested in a more uptodate machine [the one I
> have is vintage 2002 with a very poor motherboard but decent processor]
> and [2] I hadn't been trying to network with an laptop running XP, which
> I actually bought to put Ubuntu on.
> But I was not willing to do the first if I couldn't get a decent
> installation running on the machine I had -- e.g., one that didn't cause
> Thunderbird to run excruciatingly slow -- which I was never able to do
> -- even with excellent help from a couple of guys at the Installfest
> back last spring.
> Given that, and the problems encountered in networking the two machines,
> there was no way I was going to put Ubuntu on the laptop.In a sense, I
> guess I put *Linux/Ubuntu* in Catch-22. But that's the way it goes. No
> way was I going to invest in a new machine given the experience I was
> having.
> Again, I do appreciate the help yesterday -- and in all occasions in the
> past.
> Sincerely,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Eric Weir
> Decatur, GA USA
> eeweir at bellsouth.net
> ------------------------------
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> End of Ubuntu-us-ga Digest, Vol 22, Issue 4
> *******************************************
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