How do I get ownership of my mailboxes.

Paul Boren pmboren at
Wed Apr 30 20:24:11 BST 2008


I am going to answer your last question first.  To mount another hard
drive the GUI way in Kubuntu click through the following:

KMenu -> System Settings -> Advanced [Tab] -> Disks & Filesystems

You should be able to become Administrator there and get it to
automount from there.  Now the first issue you had was with
Thunderbird.  You mention Epiphany (the web browser?), do you mean
Evolution?  I realize that you probably just want to be able to read
your email, but could you give us an idea for what your preferred
setup is?  Just give us the desktop environment (i.e. Kubuntu or
Xubuntu) & the email application (i.e. Thunderbird or Evolution) and
we will try to walk you through it.

-- Paul Boren

On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 1:43 PM, Eric Weir <eeweir at> wrote:
> Right after 8.04 came out I did fresh Kubuntu-only installation and then
> decided to bomb out of Kubuntu and give Xubuntu a try, in part because
> I've been so disappointed in the performance of Thunderbird, my
> preferred mail client, since I switched over to Ubuntu.
> With each new installation of Thunderbird I have had difficulty getting
> my mailboxes and folders to show up. The first time it was because the
> permissions were not set right. The second time, however, I have been
> unable to diagnose the problem. The permissions are OK. The folder
> settings in the prefs.js file and under server settings in account
> settings are both pointed at the right folder.
> I desperation I decided to give Epiphany another try. [I'd tried it
> previously, and don't like the way it handles filtering.] Once again,
> the mailboxes and folders are not showing up. This time the problem
> seems to be that the mailboxes and folders are owned by /root. Even when
> start it with sudo, I see no way in Thunar to change the ownership of
> files or folders.
> What can I do to get ownership of my mailboxes back? [And why, when
> they're in my /home folder are they owned by /root? [They were copied
> from a second drive which I use for backing up which is also owned by
> /root. Which brings up another question: how can I mount the second
> drive so that it's not owned by root?]]
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Eric Weir
> Decatur, GA  USA
> eeweir at
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