[ubuntu-florida] ssd help

Dan Trevino dantrevino at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 14:48:13 UTC 2011

answered inline ....

On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 9:28 AM, Cary Haynie <cary.haynie at gmail.com> wrote:
> Couple Questions/Points:
> 1) Is the drive SATA3, and if so, is the motherboard, and if so, is it
> enabled properly? (I have an Asus board that required some jumping though
> hoops to activate the sata3 ports in a way that linux would see them. YMMV)

The drive is SATA6, SATA3 compatible.  Bios is SATA3, and "SATA Mode"
is set to AHCI (not IDE).  I can see the drive when I boot up with a
live cd.

> 2) You probably don't need to separate out /boot from / anymore, since IIRC,
> SSDs have pretty uniform random access across the whole drive.

The separate partitions was really more due to the fact that 1. I
always keep /home separate, and 2. I wanted to use btrfs and AFAIK,
you cannot boot from btrfs yet.

> 3) Stupid question, but have you tried the default ext4 partition scheme?

No.... probably should give it a try.

> 4) where is grub getting installed to?


> 5) which installer are you using? the graphical installer gets upset easily
> if you deviate from the hd layout(s) it expects. Try using the alt-install
> cd and if that works.

I tried partitioning via the live cd installer, and I've tried using
fdisk/gdisk before starting the installer.

> 6) How much wood could a wodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Would that be an unladen woodchuck?

> On Fri, Feb 18, 2011 at 9:15 AM, Dan Trevino <dantrevino at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I recently purchased a Crucial SSD that I've seen others online be
>> successful with.  However, I seem to be SSD challenged.
>> http://www.crucial.com/store/partspecs.aspx?IMODULE=CTFDDAC064MAG-1G1
>> I'm trying to use this as my only disk in a laptop.  I started by
>> creating an MBR partition table, had no luck there, then moved to a
>> GPT partition table, and still no luck.  This is roughly how I tried
>> to get things working:
>> ======================
>> MBR:
>> 1. fdisk -S 32 -H32 -c
>> 2. new primary partition (/boot) starting at sector 2048 (+512M)
>> 3. separate partitions for / and /home after that
>> Booting this way took over an hour just to see a pointer, and never
>> saw a gdm login screen.  So *if* this is working, its extremely,
>> extremely slow.
>> ========================
>> ====================
>> GPT:
>> 1. gdisk
>> 2. new 1M partition ef02 at the beginning of the disk
>> 3. separate 0007 (Windows/Linux) /boot, /, and /home partitions after that
>> This just boots to a big aubergine screen, but no disk activity and
>> nothing else
>> =========================
>> I've been trying to work EXT2 on the /boot partition and BTRFS on the
>> / and /home partitions.
>> Suggestions?  Glaring errors or omissions?
>> TIA,
>> Dan
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