[ubuntu-florida] REMINDER: Meeting Sunday May 6, 3 PM

Christopher Rohde christopher.rohde at gmail.com
Sat May 5 22:05:37 BST 2007

Hey folks,
Just dropping a reminder for those of you who don't normally idle in our IRC
room, that tomorrow, May 6 at 3 PM Eastern we will have our second LoCo

For a list of what we will talk about (or to add stuff to it yourself)
please see our Meeting agenda at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Meetings

I hope you all can make it, last meeting was rather productive and I can
only assume that as we go on and as we add members, we can only expect
better and better things from us!


Christopher Rohde
     w:   863-686-8900
     c:   863-885-1229
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