[DC LoCo] Any harmony singers on this list?

Phil Shapiro pshapiro at his.com
Tue Dec 6 03:44:12 UTC 2011

   Just curious if there are any harmony singers on this list? (Or do you have friends who like
to sing in harmony?)

    When I heard this very pretty acapella song on YouTube today, I immediately thought of the FOSS variant - Dona Nobis FOSSem

(in Latin this translates to: give us free and open source software)


   It would be lovely to videotape and upload to Youtube local folks singing the song Dona Nobis FOSSem

     Coincidentally, the melody of Dona Nobis FOSSem is the same melody as Dona Nobis Pacem (give us peace)

     What a beautiful song. The melody matches the beauty of FOSS, wouldn't you say?


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