[DC LoCo] LXDE: Sound Juicer Fix

Marti Martinson arthur.martinson at verizon.net
Sat Aug 6 01:04:06 UTC 2011

Some weeks ago I posted a question regarding the diff between GNOME and
LXDE with respect to playing audio CDs. Someone gave me the diagnosis
that LXDE does not automount like GNOME.

I could not get lxmusic to play CDs. I finally learned that lxmusic only
plays files.

I did not want to start issuing the mount command and possibly screw up
something in the GNOME session. Sys Admin friends of mine have said,
"I've never seen Linux do that....." It frighted me. :)

More googling led me to Sound Juicer. I start Sound Juicer (somehow I
already had it), put in the CD, and I can play it; but no artist nor
song info appeared in the fields. Meh.

In case someone else is dreading Unity (that's why I've started to use
LXDE on this 10.04.3 box) and is NOT a *nix guru, I just thought I'd
pass this on.


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