[DC LoCo] October 16: Ubuntu / Ubuntu Sugar Remix (USR) Release Party w/ OLPC Learning Club

Keith Howell keith.c.howell at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 04:24:00 BST 2010

On 09/30/2010 08:30 PM, Mackenzie Morgan wrote:
> On Thursday, September 30, 2010 06:27:16 pm Keith Howell wrote:
>> Just a quick note.
>> Firstly, greetings all. I am recently re-located from Florida and
>> looking forward to meeting people over the coming months.
>> Secondly, If you are looking for linux aimed at children, please
>> consider taking a look at Qimo 4 Kids (http://www.qimo4kids.com)
>> Michael and Michelle are the creators and they are both active in the
>> Florida LoCo.
>  From talking to Michelle I had the impression Qimo was really aimed at itsy
> bitsy teeny tiny can-bang-on-keyboard toddlers, not school students.   The
> LoCo's attachments to Edubuntu have stemmed from Jeff being a high school
> teacher and Kevin working at a university.

Absolutely. Just spreading the word about the efforts of two great 
people that I know.

I like the freedom to choose, so I let people know about alternatives 
when I can. What they choose to use is then up to them.


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