[DC LoCo] So, anyone got computers to spare?

Ted Smith teddks at gmail.com
Fri Mar 5 20:25:57 GMT 2010

I have several, mostly pIII-pIV's with 512-256MB RAM, that I was going
to give to an infoshop in Frederick that is now closed.

How many are needed?

On Fri, 2010-03-05 at 14:13 -0500, Kevin Cole wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Debose, Brian (Council) <bdebose at dccouncil.us>
> Date: Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 13:56
> Subject: RE: Computers, maybe. Software, definitely.
> To: Kevin Cole <dc.loco at gmail.com>
> Thank you Mr. Cole,
> We have been in contact with Mr. Dodge, and appreciate your passing on
> his name regardless. That said we are not at all opposed to Linux
> systems, we are simply trying to line up some reliable contacts who
> can make this happen for us within the next two weeks. I understand
> you are volunteering. If you want to or are willing please pass us on
> to your colleague (that is  if you need to) otherwise I will be in
> touch mid next week when we are ready to move.
> Thank you,
> Brian A. DeBose
> Communications Director
> Council of the District of Columbia
> Office of Councilmember Jim Graham
> Ward One
> 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 105
> Washington, D.C. 20004
> 202-724-8181 Office
> 202-285-3008 cell/SMS
> 202-724-8109 Fax
> www.grahamwone.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kevin Cole [mailto:dc.loco at gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, March 05, 2010 1:47 PM
> To: Debose, Brian (Council)
> Subject: Re: Computers, maybe. Software, definitely.
> Hi,
> I definitely understand, and sympathize.  I wasn't proposing laptops,
> necessarily. [in response to a misunderstanding that I was suggesting
> XO's or the like, Brian said in essence "Laptops are too easy to
> steal." -- KJC]
> Although the OLPC project is focused on laptops, as the name suggests,
> the other group I'm involved with (the Ubuntu Local Community) is not.
> Previously, a colleague from the Ubuntu group and I set up desktops
> running Ubuntu Linux at the Cleveland Park Library. We ran a computer
> lab there for two years until recently, when it was announced that
> they would need the space for something else.
> Now we're working to set up Ubuntu Linux desktops with Kid Power DC.
> At OCTO's DC Community Broadband Summit last week, the CIO of the DC
> Public Library System told me that they're "going Ubuntu" -- at least
> in part, and the rep from Byte Back (an adult computer training
> facility) informed me that they are once again planning to offer Linux
> classes.
> That said, I *do* have a regular day job, and have been stretching my
> volunteerism a bit.  So, I don't want to promise too much.
> If you haven't already pursued it, you may want to look at Lowell
> Dodge's outfit, First Time Computers (http://firsttimecomputers.org/)
> over near Catholic University.  We met last summer and I tried to
> pitch Linux to him.  While interested, he remains firmly in the
> Microsoft camp.  He was also one of the panelists at the DC Community
> Broadband Summit.
> --
> Kevin Cole, Team Contact
> Ubuntu Linux DC LoCo
> Washington, DC
> http://dc.ubuntu-us.org/

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