[DC LoCo] Agendum 02-13-2010

Brian Curtis bcurtiswx at ubuntu.com
Fri Feb 12 14:52:29 GMT 2010

Hi all,

The following is the agendum for this saturdays meeting.  Its tentative though.

4:00-6:00 Ubuntu Hours Bug Jam in #ubuntu-us-dc on freenode
6:00-6:05 Roll Call
6:05-6:20 Ground control discussions
  [ACTION] crimsun to investigate merging Lucid source packages using
Ground Control
  [ACTION] bcurtiswx to follow up about using GC to fix bugs
6:20-6:30 DC LoCo iPhone app discussion
6:30-7:00 Review and update of action items from last meeting
  [ACTION] crimsun to follow up with fridge admins regarding LoCo
activities on Ubuntu fridge Google calendar]
  [ACTION] Magilum to nominate packages for loco adoption

-dent the heck out of our ubuntu hours saturday 4-6.  Blog it,
identi.ca posts, etc...
-try to post 3 flyers around your community and take photos of it

There will need to be someone to take minutes, please reply to me
letting me know if you want to.

See ya all tomorrow afternoon,
~Brian C.

Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
--Wernher Von Braun
"The second law of thermodynamics: If you think things are in a mess
now, JUST WAIT!!"
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The Statement Above is False

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