[DC LoCo] Oops... Tabling this weekend!

Kevin Cole kjcole at dc.sugarlabs.org
Fri Feb 12 01:41:34 GMT 2010

I just got e-mail saying Free Culture X (a.k.a. Free Culture 2010) is still
ON at GWU this weekend... And we were sorta, kinda, scheduled to table...
 Help anyone?  Given that my last contact with the powers-that-be was a few
weeks back, and the unconference nature of day two, I'm not clear if they're
expecting us or not.  Still, given the focus of the event, it would be nice
to put in a showing.  Read on.

Forwarded conversation
Subject: FC X: OLPC Learning Club DC, SugarLabs DC, Ubuntu DC LoCo

From: *Kevin Cole* <kjcole at dc.sugarlabs.org>
Date: Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 15:56
To: board at freeculture.org


I attended WFUD last week, but was unfamiliar with FC X until visiting the
site today.  I am the team contact for the Ubuntu DC Local Community
("LoCo"), and a host of the OLPC Learning Club DC, as well as a minor
contributor to SugarLabs DC. (See signature links for more info.) We are now
an official Lending Library as well, with up to 25 XO laptops at our
disposal (depending upon how many are on loan at the time). I note the
pictures on your site from 2008 seem right up our alley.  I have just
informed my colleagues of the event.

I realize it's a wee bit late to be asking, but is there a place for us
other than normal registration, i.e. a table with XO's and possibly Ubuntu
CD's?  (I'm not sure how many troops I'll be able to rally, but if it's not
too late to try, I'll give it a go.)

Thanks for any info.
Kevin Cole
Sugar Labs DC - http://dc.sugarlabs.org/
OLPC Learning Club DC - http://olpclearningclub.org/
Ubuntu DC - http://dc.ubuntu-us.org/ - http://launchpad.net/~dcteam/

From: *Kevin Donovan* <kdonovan11 at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 16:46
To: SFC Board <board at freeculture.org>, kjcole <kjcole at dc.sugarlabs.org>

Hi Kevin,

We'd love to have you join. Sunday, the 14th, is going to be an
unconference, so we'd love to have you organize a workshop for people then.
We're trying to get tables, as well, for the first day, so if that happens
it would be great to have you demonstrate the XOs there, as well.


> Board mailing list
> Board at freeculture.org
> http://freeculture.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/board
> --
Kevin Donovan
Georgetown '11: SFS

From: *Ben Moskowitz* <benrito at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 18:33
To: SFC Board <board at freeculture.org>
Cc: kjcole <kjcole at dc.sugarlabs.org>


I think it'd be great if you could table. We're looking into whether the
space will accommodate it but I think we ought to tentatively plan on it.

What other D.C. area organizations should we reach out to? Any ideas on
promoting the conference? We'd love to have you join the planning process at
our conference mailing list, if you're so interested. Here's a link:


Look forward to meeting you next month!

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