[DC LoCo] [Debconf-announce] DebConf10 to take place in New York City, USA in August 2010

Kevin Cole dc.loco at gmail.com
Fri Oct 30 20:00:49 GMT 2009

As seen on NoVALUG [slightly edited]:

----- Forwarded message from Jimmy Kaplowitz <jimmy at debconf.org> -----

Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 15:04:43 -0400
From: Jimmy Kaplowitz <jimmy at debconf.org>
Subject: [Debconf-announce] DebConf10 to take place in New York City,
       USA in August 2010
To: debconf-announce at lists.debconf.org,
       debian-devel-announce at lists.debian.org
Cc: debian-events-na at lists.debian.org, debian-news at lists.debian.org

~~~ October 30, 2009 : PRESS RELEASE ~~~


DebConf10 to take place in New York City, USA in August 2010

* Annual Debian conference to take place August 1-7, 2010
* Hosted in New York City; first time ever in the United States
* General public invited to day of talks about Debian and Free Software
* Call for papers, registration to open in January 2010

New York City, USA, October 30, 2009 - The Debian Project, the team
behind the free Debian GNU/Linux operating system, confirmed the dates
and venue for its next annual conference, DebConf10.

The conference will take place from August 1 to 7, 2010, at Columbia
University, in New York City, USA, in cooperation with the Columbia
Computer Science department. In DebConf's eleven-year history, this
will be the first time it has been held in the United States of

Every year, DebConf allows new and existing Debian project
participants from around the world to assemble, share knowledge, make
collaborative contributions to Debian, and build tighter community
bonds. Conference costs are largely funded by corporate sponsors who
find significant value in enabling Debian's success.

"The Debian community in New York City is excited to welcome our
colleagues from around the world to join us for this rewarding and
productive conference," says Jimmy Kaplowitz, leader of the local team
for DebConf10. "We look forward to energizing North American Debian
contributors and introducing interested users to ways they can give
back to Debian, making it an even better operating system and an even
better community."

DebConf will include a day when it opens its doors to the general
public. There will be talks and demonstrations about the benefits of
Debian and Free and Open Source software in general to corporate,
governmental, academic, and individual users.

The call for papers and registration will open in January 2010.

DebConf10 will be preceded by DebCamp, the yearly developer work
sessions, starting on July 25.

Information about DebConf10 is updated at http://debconf10.debconf.org
as it becomes available.


Debian GNU/Linux is a free computer operating system. Over three
thousand volunteers from all over the world work together to create
and maintain Debian software. Translated into 27 languages, and
supporting a huge range of computer types, Debian calls itself the
"universal operating system". In the United States, Debian is backed
by Software in the Public Interest, Inc., a not-for-profit public
charity as described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue


DebConf is the annual Debian conference, which has taken place since
2000 in places as varied as Canada, Finland, and Argentina. Several
hundred developers, contributors, and users gather each year at a new
location to further ideas, cooperate, and socialize. More information
about DebConf is available from http://debconf.org/.


DebConf press team
press at debconf.org

Jimmy Kaplowitz
jimmy at debconf.org
Tel: +1 347 277 1465

Europe / Middle East / Africa / Asia / Pacific:
Martin Krafft
madduck at debconf.org
Tel: +41 32 5119511

Debconf-announce mailing list
Debconf-announce at lists.debconf.org

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