[DC LoCo] Fw: [Cleveland-Park] Computer Special This Month - Listserv Members Only

Sanjay Jain oss.cleveland at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 14 20:41:13 BST 2009

Any one used Windows 7? Is it any good?
Just a thought:
How about "Look at Ubuntu before switching to Window 7" events? 

--- On Wed, 10/14/09, armando at realtechsol.com <armando at realtechsol.com> wrote:

From: armando at realtechsol.com <armando at realtechsol.com>
Subject: [Cleveland-Park] Computer Special This Month - Listserv Members Only
To: cleveland-park at yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 11:01 AM


4708 Wisconsin Ave
Washington, DC 20016

Listserv members and friends,

Chevy Chase Computers is pleased to announce that we have exclusive access to Windows 7 for those of you who expressed interest in getting an early copy. 

Microsoft's official release date is October 22nd, but we can have any of the three versions installed for you today. Check our site for more information soon.
http://www.chevycha secomputers. com 

Chevy Chase Computers is proud to have a true onsite location where you can walk-in and drop off your system, having it serviced that day, no need to wait at home for a technician to show up. 

Armando Musto
Chevy Chase Computers
armando at chevychasec omputers. com 

"Don't have a guy who works out of their car work on your system. We are local and have been a reliable resource since 2000." 

Chevy Chase Computers - www.chevychasecompu ters.com
4708 Wisconsin Ave NW | (Right down the street from Tenleytown metro) | Washington | DC | 20016

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