[DC LoCo] Bug Jam Saturday August 22nd, 2009 3-9PM

Brian Curtis briancurtis.wx at gmail.com
Sat Aug 1 19:53:25 BST 2009

Hi all,

It's official!  I have scheduled a room at George Mason University.

On Saturday August 22nd, 2009 starting at 3PM and going no later than
9PM I will attempt to do my best at hosting a Bug Jam.

The event will be held in the Research 1 Building in Room 301.

Since this is a Saturday the building will be locked.  Being a
graduate student I have access into the building and therefore I can
let people into the building.  This being said, maybe someone knows a
good system of letting people into the building, without risking any
security problems.

If you take the METRO in I would recommend taking the CUE to GMU from
the Vienna/GMU stop and walking through campus to get to the research
building.  If you drive in, there is parking in the parking garage
across from the research building.  Unfortunately its not free, but I
don't imagine its very expensive.

There will be wireless internet available in the room, and this will
be a BYOB event (bring your own box.... ok not box but laptop it just
sounded cool) event as there are no computers in the room.

Since I am not made of money, I would appreciate people to RSVP by
August 15th so I can get an idea of how much pizza/soda to get and
then I can give attendees an idea of how much to donate to the food.
If you are vegetarian or vegan etc.. then please let me know so I can
try to plan for that as well.

Kevin, if you could mark this on the LoCo calendar, I would appreciate it.

Hope to hear back from lots of you!  Let me know if I forgot to list anything.

~Brian Curtis

Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
--Wernher Von Braun
"The second law of thermodynamics: If you think things are in a mess
now, JUST WAIT!!"

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