[DC LoCo] Could someone fill me in on the relationship between Yorktown H.S., this group, and Edubuntu

Brady Merriweather brady.merriweather at gmail.com
Sat Mar 8 14:06:47 GMT 2008

That's exactly what I've been on the hunt myslef.  :) 

On Thu, 2008-03-06 at 21:00 -0500, Bud Roth wrote:
> I am a new member.  I know that Yorktown has a very active linux group and is involved in the Edubuntu project.  What exactly is the relationship with this group?  Do you have separate meetings? One of the reasons I joined was to find out more about how I could help one of my sons' 1-8 school do a feasibility study on using Linux in a computer room.  They are very interested and I'd like to support.  Any insights on where I should go, what meetings I might attend would be most appreciated.  
> Bud Roth

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