[DC LoCo] Location for the OS Technology Panel

Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 20:17:31 GMT 2008

The Engineers' Ball (I'm now in the engineering school. yay!) at GW is on
the 23rd.

On Jan 29, 2008 12:42 PM, Kevin Cole <kjcole at gri.gallaudet.edu> wrote:

> Hi Sibyl,
>  > After much checking around, I found that the Cleveland Park library
>  > would be the best bet for the OS Technology Event. I checked with
>  > them and I found that they have some February Saturday dates
>  > available:
>  >
>  > 2/9  - 2nd Floor Auditorium - anytime
>  > 2/16 - 2nd Floor Auditorium - from 1:00pm to 5:15pm
>  > 2/23 - 1st Floor Auditorium - anytime
>  >        2nd Floor Auditorium - anytime
>  >
>  > Which dates work best for you? I was shooting for 2/16 or 2/23.
> I'd opt for the 1st Floor Auditorium, and so, the 23rd.  The library
> closes at 5:30pm on Saturdays, but other than that I don't have any
> time constraints.  Other panelists, please weigh in.
>  > The librarian wasn't sure about the wireless set up. She thinks that
>  > the 2nd Floor Auditorium has poor wireless reception. She thinks
>  > that the 1st Floor Auditorium has better reception but she couldn't
>  > verify that. What has your experience been with either room? Do you
>  > have a recommendation? Or is there another place we could try?
> Second floor wireless is lousy. It sorta, kinda, sometimes almost
> works.  (Well, there are good days and bad days.  On a good day
> it's slow, on a bad day it's non-existent or sporadic.)
> I've had no experience with the first floor room, but the Capital
> PC Users Group (CPCUG) uses it fairly often, and I'm guessing it
> is somewhat more reliable.  Sanjay, have you heard any buzz about
> wireless quality downstairs, or had any personal experience w/ it?
> As for other recommendations, none leap to mind.  Of course, living
> close by, I have a bias, and we've got that open source lab already
> set up there.  Who knows?  We might be able to move a computer or two
> from the lab downstairs, although it's probably just as easy to
> traipse upstairs after the panel.
> --
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Mackenzie Morgan
Linux User #432169
ACM Member #3445683
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apt-get moo
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