[CoLoCo] Boulder's own Hacker Space: Solid State Depot

Neal McBurnett neal at bcn.boulder.co.us
Tue Dec 7 21:25:40 GMT 2010

Hacker spaces have gotten so commonplace that even NPR is reporting on


Besides just being fun places to hack on stuff, typically oriented
towards actual physical hardware (or software that is of the clothing
or food variety, rather than bits), NPR had this nice take on the

 DIY hacker spaces have been called "gyms for innovators." The
 facilities, which allow DIYers the space and tools to create and
 invent, have become incubators for small businesses.

I knew about Club Workshop: http://www.clubworkshop.com/ in Denver but
hadn't checked it out yet.

I've heard rumors over the last few months of a local hackerspace in
Boulder, but nothing specific.  

So I finally noticed a tweet from @zooko, and dug enough to figure out
the when and where.

Where:  Solid State Depot 2200 Central Ave, Suite G - 
 park and enter in the back (the north side of the building)

When: Anytime if you're a member ($50/month)
 Public meetings Every Tuesday at either 7:30 (from most sources) or
  7:00 (in the bylaws draft....)

More info:


What to expect?
 Sounds like not much equipment is in the space yet, so 
 perhaps mostly planning how to acquire things (hint - check out
 http://bococo.org :) and preparation for their talk at Ignite Boulder
 on Dec 8.

Sounds fun!

Anyone here involved in it?

Neal McBurnett                 http://neal.mcburnett.org/

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