[CoLoCo] I need Accessibility advice concerning Ubuntu
chomafin at gmail.com
Thu Sep 3 15:18:24 BST 2009
I do not have any experience w/ Accessibility options, but there is a sub
forum of UbuntuForums dedicated to the bettering of options in ubuntu.
Maybe they can offer you some assistance.
Personally for Zooming, I use the Compiz zoom function. I only use it for
flash videos, zoom uses less CPU than hitting 'full screen' in the player..
But it will follow the mouse.
On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 7:12 AM, Michael Haney <thezorch at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I haven't posted anything here for a long while. I need some
> advice and I need it before this coming Monday. The reason is I
> belong to a group called D.C. Night Out, its a group of people with
> visual disabilities who get together every other Monday at a downtown
> Washington, D.C. eatery. One of the people who attends is in charge
> of the accessibility of the computer lab for handicapped users at the
> Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library in D.C.'s Chinatown. We spoke
> about 2 weeks ago, I told him i use Ubuntu exclusively on the my
> desktop for everything and he expressed a strong interest in setting
> up some computers at the library using Ubuntu for disabled users. The
> cost of setting up Windows with comparable accessibility features is
> high. JAWS is a common text-to-speech program for Windows and its
> costs in excess of $800 or more depending on how many licenses you buy
> and Zoom Text the screen enlarger is just as expensive. People with
> disabilities have been getting fleeced with these unnaturally high
> prices for a long time.
> So, the advice I need concerns accessibility options for Ubuntu that I
> can relay to him. Perhaps some online resources which I can direct
> him to look at or more detailed info on the accessibility features of
> Ubuntu. I don't know a whole lot about Orca, but I do use the Desktop
> Zoom feature because I still have usable vision. If any of you have
> experience in integrating Ubuntu into a library PC network please give
> me some advice I'd really appreciate it.
> Thank you.
> --
> Michael "TheZorch" Haney
> thezorch at gmail.com
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> Twitter: TheZorch
> Skype: thezorch (Voice and/or Chat)
> AIM: thezorch at gmail.com
> Yahoo IM: zorchhaney
> ICQ: 343230252
> GoogleTalk: thezorch
> MSN Messeger: haneymichael at hotmail.com
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