[CoLoCo] Fwd: FCM #17, hot from the presses (and with a new series!)

Andrew keen101 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 27 02:35:34 BST 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Full Circle Magazine <lists at fullcirclemagazine.org>
Date: Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 5:00 PM
Subject: FCM #17, hot from the presses (and with a new series!)
To: keen101 at gmail.com

This month, we're introducing a new series: Programming in C.

Our other usual columns:
* Command and Conquer - Nano & Vim.
* How-To : Program in C - Part 1, Connect to IRC, Using GIMP - Part 6 and
Scan & Convert to PDF.
* My Story - …When I Was Two
* My Opinion - Is This The Year?
* MOTU Interview - Harald Sitter
* Top 5 - Email Notifiers

Go and grab it from the downloads page @

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