[CoLoCo] Ubucon Boulder Postponed

Leslie Hawthorn lhawthorn at google.com
Sat Sep 20 19:08:07 BST 2008

Hi folks,

We're very excited to welcome all of you to our offices in Boulder, but we
need a bit more time to effectively organize the event so everyone gets the
most possible from it.

I'm working closely with Dale, Neal and Nick to make this happen. Stay tuned
for more news!


PS - It's Hawthorn. No "e". :p

Happy Software Freedom Day all!

On Sat, Sep 20, 2008 at 10:55 AM, NICK VERBECK <nerdynick at gmail.com> wrote:

> We've got good news and bad news :)
> The good news: Leslie Hawthorne, the wonderful head of the Google Open
> Source Program Office (Google Summer of Code, etc) will help us plan
> the next Ubucon Boulder!  It is always good to have folks helping who
> really know how to run a great event.
> The bad news: we won't have time to get our ducks in a row in time for
> the previously announced Sep 27th date.
> So we need a new date, either in October or January, since Nov and Dec
> won't work.
> So we'll figure out which Saturdays work for Google - Stay tuned!
> Thanks,
> Nick, Neal, Leslie and Dale
> --
> Nick Verbeck - NerdyNick
> ----------------------------------------------------
> NerdyNick.com
> SkeletalDesign.com
> VivaLaOpenSource.com
> Coloco.ubuntu-rocks.org

Leslie Hawthorn
Program Manager - Open Source
Google Inc.


I blog here:

http://google-opensource.blogspot.com - http://www.hawthornlandings.org
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