[CoLoCo] Windows Is A PC Myth

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Fri May 30 06:46:51 BST 2008

Andrew wrote:
> The apple TV commercials don't help either. Although I find them
> hilarious, they add to the confusion. A friend of mine (mac user who
> has never owned a pc in his life) always talks about why he hates
> PC's. I am currently trying to break that habit, so he will refer to
> why he hates windows (or microsoft). He is very very S-L-O-W-L-Y
> becoming aware of linux.
My friend who has the two Apple laptops was a long time Windows user and 
like me a IT support veteran, and software developer.  What prompted him 
to switch from Windows to Mac actually was Windows Activation.  When 
trying to reinstall WinXP to his desktop PC he was unable to activate it 
online, the server rejected his code.  He can to call an 900#, enter in 
a string of numbers he had on screen, which wasn't easy for him due the 
fact that he and I both have poor vision, and had to enter in a string 
of numbers which the automated system gave him in order to activate his 
"legal" copy of WinXP Pro.  It really pissed him off something royally.  
The next day he bought the MacBook Pro and has barely touched his custom 
built $5,000 gaming rig since then.  He does plan to get it up and 
running again but refuses to touch Vista.  He's a die-hard Apple User 
now.  He is messing around with the idea of using the Linux From Scratch 
distro to build his own version of Linux for his personal use.  He's 
seen Ubuntu, was impressed by it, but was put off by me having to 
research how to enable commercial DVD and MP3 playback.  His quote is 
"If it was hard for you, a IT professional, to find and implement these 
features how the hell do you expect the average Mon & Pop user to do 
it?"  He went on to say that from what he could see Ubuntu was well 
rounded, but the basic features which are most appealing to home users 
aren't there and until that is addressed in some serious way it will 
never become mainstream.  But, I'm reiterating the point I made with my 
original email.

What Ubuntu needs are TV ads which educate people on what Ubuntu is all 

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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