[CoLoCo] Windows Is A PC Myth

Andrew keen101 at gmail.com
Fri May 30 06:13:39 BST 2008

The apple TV commercials don't help either. Although I find them
hilarious, they add to the confusion. A friend of mine (mac user who
has never owned a pc in his life) always talks about why he hates
PC's. I am currently trying to break that habit, so he will refer to
why he hates windows (or microsoft). He is very very S-L-O-W-L-Y
becoming aware of linux.

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 9:34 PM, Michael TheZorch Haney
<thezorch at gmail.com> wrote:
> Collins Richey wrote:
>> Agreed. DVD & MP3 and other proprietary support cannot legally be
>> shipped with the distribution, but there is nothing to preclude
>> shipping a bulletproof script that will do the right thing and
>> directing the user to how to use said script. The argument that Ubuntu
>> is to be free, gpl-licensed software just does not hold water for the
>> average user, at least not until gpl-licensed software can do the same
>> thing as proprietary software. In the case of OO, we're already there,
>> but there is no real (currently) substitute for the DVD, MP3, nVidia,
>> ATI, flash stuff.
> Your wrong on one point, ATI's drivers are now open source.  Adobe is
> lifting a lot of restrictions and Flash recently, and Nvidia is under a
> lot of pressure to go open source and I think they should.  A script, or
> even a button on a control panel that says "Enable Proprietary
> Multimedia Support" or something or other in the OS would really help.
> This would launch the script downloading and installing the needed
> codecs making it possible to what DVDs and play MP3s in Ubuntu.
> Having a dialog with Apple and getting them to release a version of
> iTunes for Linux would also be really nice.  Having iTunes for Linux
> would really boost the legitimacy of Linux as a viable OS for home
> users.  Right now there is no way to play FairPlay protected media in
> Linux without either using tools to remove the Digital Restrictions
> Management portion or installing 3rd party codecs that circumvent it.
> And, I'm certain that there are such codecs for many OSes.
> --
> Michael "TheZorch" Haney
> thezorch at gmail.com
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