[CoLoCo] Ginormous Fonts on Ubuntu/Kubuntu and Other Issues

Andrew keen101 at gmail.com
Thu May 1 20:46:55 BST 2008

Try >System >Preferences >Appearance

On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 12:26 PM, siblog <tehsiblog at gmail.com> wrote:
> After doing a clean install of Ubuntu 8.04 (GNOME) I noticed something odd
> about the login page. When I type in my user/password the font is soooo huge
> it can't even be read in the login box. The font seriously must be around a
> 100pt font. Unfortunately I cannot take a screenshot to show it. This
> obviously doesn't hinder me from logging in, it is just annoying.
> I looked through the forums and it sounded like it was an issue with the
> settings in 'System->Preferences->Screens and Graphics Preferences'. So I
> went to check out these settings and realized that I could not find 'Screens
> and Graphics Preferences' in my menu under System->Preferences. I checked
> the 'Main Menu' tool to make sure it was not just hidden but I couldn't find
> it there either. So I had to find the command to launch the 'Screens and
> Graphics Preferences' tool, ugh. Once in there, I reconfigured the
> monitor/video card settings and I still have the same issue.
> Since I was kinda frustrated with Ubuntu, I decided I would check out
> Kubuntu KDE 4 remix since I have been hearing great stuff about KDE 4. When
> I popped the live CD into my computer it took me to a live desktop with a
> similar issue...huge fonts. The install button covered 70% of the whole
> screen and I couldn't navigate anywhere. Since that failed miserably I
> decided to install Kubuntu KDE 3.5.9. Installation went fine but when I got
> to my login screen for the first time, huge fonts again! Like before on
> Ubuntu I could login just fine but it was just really ugly and annoying.
> Once in the desktop the fonts were fine just like Ubuntu. So from here I
> decided I would try to install the KDE 4 desktop environment along side the
> KDE 3.5.9 environment. Installation went fine but when I restarted my
> computer I came to the KDE 4 login screen with the same huge font issues and
> could not even get into the KDE 4 desktop. The font is so big that just a
> tiny corner of the login page is displayed. Frustrating!
> So I am now back with my Ubuntu and just dealing with the huge login letters
> and missing tools in my menu.....but still annoyed. Anyone have any ideas?
> -Simon
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