[CoLoCo] Widget Layer Plugin

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Fri Jun 20 07:08:15 BST 2008

I've asked about this before and never really got a straight or useful 
answer.  I noticed in System~>Preferences~>Advanced Desktop Effects 
Preferences that GNOME (Compiz Fusion) has a Mac OS X style Widget Layer 
plugin.  Move your mouse to the edge of the screen you selected to 
activate it and the screen darkens.  At this point you should see actual 
Widgets just like in Mac OS X, but there aren't any and I don't know how 
to add them or where to even find them.  I've Googled around to no 
avail.  The Widgets on Mac OS X are very popular and there are a lot of 
them so I figured they'd be popular for GNOME too.  What gives?

Where can I find Widgets that I can add to this?

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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