[CoLoCo] Dual-boot and wine options

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Thu Jun 19 21:43:57 BST 2008

On Wed, 18 Jun 2008 23:09:08 -0600, David Overcash wrote
> <snip>
> > There is no logical reason for NOT selling Linux PC's to schools or any
> > other business for that matter, if that is what they desire.
> >
> </snip>
> There actually is a logical reason.  Dell has had to jump through a lot of
> hoops with the contacts it holds with Microsoft to be able to sell systems
> with Linux pre-installed in the desktop market... and many stipulations
> attached to those contacts involve no bulk orders to anyone and also no
> orders to educational facilities.  You could, however, purchase them on a
> personal account for the school.
> I'm sure Dell would LOVE to sell them to you, but they can't ignore the fine
> print of their agreements with Microsoft.

References, please.  I am very interested in this, since it would be a direct violation
of our anti-trust laws.

I thought that the reasons Dell hesitated had more to do with lack of technical people
qualified to work on and support Linux.

-- David

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