[CoLoCo] Preferred Hypervisor to run Windows

Scott Lewis scottlewis01 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 06:25:29 BST 2008

Hi everyone.  I've been spending the last couple weeks trying to get my Dell
Latitude D830 laptop running Ubuntu 8.04 full time.  After running it Wubi
style for a few weeks I realized that I would learn it better without the
dual boot setup.  Unfortunately I need to have a working copy of XP or Vista
for some corporate apps that don't run in Linux.  So off to the races. I
first built the computer running Ubuntu and all the hardware works
flawlessly.  I then gave VMware Workstation a try but couldn't get my
wireless NIC to bridge Internet or my sound card to make a peep.  Same luck
with Sun's VirtualBox and then the same when I tried VMware Server.  After
scouring the Net to resolve the network issue I found this link
624-kernel) and tried rebuilding using the "vmware-any-any-update-116."  I
also tried all the tips in the comment section but still no dice.


So my question is this. Being new to this I would love a recommendation on
the best/easiest/most stable hypervisor to run in Ubuntu.  And then if
anyone has a suggestion on how I can get my configuration working I would be
all ears.  I would hate to switch back to the Wubi install as I find it so
helpful to run both operating systems at the same time.



Scott from Denver.

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