[CoLoCo] New Firefox 3 Features

Jim Hutchinson jim at ubuntu-rocks.org
Mon Jun 9 17:23:30 BST 2008

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 10:03 AM, Neal McBurnett <neal at bcn.boulder.co.us>

> I've been enjoying swfdec for a few weeks, and I hear it may replace
> gnash in future versions of Ubuntu.  Youtube and the like work pretty
> well already.  I like the way that it doesn't play flash by default -
> probably saves me a lot of battery power and shields me from
> advertisements.  This site one of the first things that doesn't work
> for me with swfdec, but my bank account login also doesn't (why on
> earth do they use proprietary software for login??).

Well, maybe I should give it a try. I tried gnash because flash was acting
up but not as much as gnash. Maybe swfdec is the answer. However, not being
able to log into bank accounts would be annoying.

The best anti-ad tool though is adblock plus. I never realize how much I
love it until I do a new install and forget to add it. It only takes a few
minutes to realize I'm seeing a bunch of junk I usually don't. Give it a try
if you haven't. Personally, I don't understand how the ad industry will
survive. With tivo you never have to watch commercials (I used to mute them
and now I skip them - haven't seen a commercial in 10+ years and I have no
idea what people are talking about when they reference them) and now
internet ads are gone too. I love it.

Jim (Ubuntu geek extraordinaire)
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