[CoLoCo] (Off-Topic) Proof of Alien Life to be shown in Denver Fri day.

TJ Heaney tjheaney at gmail.com
Thu Jun 5 16:34:00 BST 2008

I feel the same as Manfred.

I've been getting a kick out of the conversation (though it doesn't really
appeal to me). It's just another way for us to expand and strengthen our

As far as I am concerned, this sort of conversation is healthy. It allows us
to learn more about each other as a team.


On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 9:21 AM, Manfred Meiser <mamei at netzero.com> wrote:

> Please note: message attached
> Sorry Neal, I have to agree with Jim this time, best topic (off-topic) for
> a while. Does that mean Hardy gets boring?? No, it just works w/o problems
> and even with the little security key disaster. :)
> Cheers, and don't take life (Ubuntu) too serious. A little off topic stuff
> is the 'salt in the soup'.
> Manfred
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> On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Neal McBurnett <neal at bcn.boulder.co.us>
> wrote:
>> There are plenty of places to have a conversation like this, where
>> most of the folks subscribed would be interested.  But in my mind the
>> Colorado Ubuntu Linux Team list is not one of them.  I personnaly
>> would prefer that you take the discussion elsewhere.
> As you might expect, I disagree. We are a community of intelligent people
> drawn together by common interests, but that doesn't mean we can't or
> shouldn't explore the outer boundaries from time to time. It's healthy and
> natural. Now, a discussion about which peppers grow best in Colorado would
> be too far outside I think, but occasional fringe issues related to science
> and technology only add to the diversity of the group and help us get to
> know one another and bond as a community. Even the uber-geeks who feed to
> Planet step outside the boundaries quite a bit. Silencing peoples' natural
> desire to share is counterproductive. At the same time, we need to recognize
> that not everyone will want to take part in all discussions. That is why we
> have mutually agreed to mark issues off topic and use descriptive subjects.
> Anyone wanting to avoid such discussions can easily delete them or even set
> up a filter to weed them automatically.
> @Paul, I would say human civilization has wiped out more species than
> natural disasters but I've not sat down to count.
> Cheers.
> --
> Jim (Ubuntu geek extraordinaire)
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