[CoLoCo] (Off-Topic) Proof of Alien Life to be shown in Denver Fri day.

Manfred Meiser mamei at netzero.com
Thu Jun 5 16:21:30 BST 2008

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Sorry Neal, I have to agree with Jim this time, best topic (off-topic) for a while. Does that mean Hardy gets boring?? No, it just works w/o problems and even with the little security key disaster. :)

Cheers, and don't take life (Ubuntu) too serious. A little off topic stuff is the 'salt in the soup'.

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On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Neal McBurnett <neal at bcn.boulder.co.us>

> There are plenty of places to have a conversation like this, where
> most of the folks subscribed would be interested.  But in my mind the
> Colorado Ubuntu Linux Team list is not one of them.  I personnaly
> would prefer that you take the discussion elsewhere.

As you might expect, I disagree. We are a community of intelligent people
drawn together by common interests, but that doesn't mean we can't or
shouldn't explore the outer boundaries from time to time. It's healthy and
natural. Now, a discussion about which peppers grow best in Colorado would
be too far outside I think, but occasional fringe issues related to science
and technology only add to the diversity of the group and help us get to
know one another and bond as a community. Even the uber-geeks who feed to
Planet step outside the boundaries quite a bit. Silencing peoples' natural
desire to share is counterproductive. At the same time, we need to recognize
that not everyone will want to take part in all discussions. That is why we
have mutually agreed to mark issues off topic and use descriptive subjects.
Anyone wanting to avoid such discussions can easily delete them or even set
up a filter to weed them automatically.

@Paul, I would say human civilization has wiped out more species than
natural disasters but I've not sat down to count.


Jim (Ubuntu geek extraordinaire)
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.
See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html
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