[CoLoCo] signs of the apocalypse, and I need server hardware

W S ws3reg at gmail.com
Sun Jul 27 23:03:46 BST 2008

Your choices are between the fakeraid stuff, or a "real" raid
controller, and the only one I know and trust is from 3ware. :)

Or, just use software raid.


On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 4:44 PM, Jeffrey LePage
<jeffrey_lepage at yahoo.com> wrote:
> How many signs of the apocalypse are necessary before it's official?  Here are two:
> 1) Microsoft pledges love and money to open source (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/07/25/microsoft_gpl/)
> 2) The Death of Nearly All Software Patents (http://www.patentlyo.com/patent/2008/07/the-death-of-go.html)
> -------
> In other news, as usual I'm busy building stuff for my son's school (Free Horizon Montessoir in Arvada).  Today I'm working on the data backup solution.  We're going to go with a Linux box running BackupPC.  We're going to buy 3 or 4 Seagate SATAII drives and place them in a RAID5 configuration. I was hoping to find some used/free hardware for the rest of the system.  Our minimum requirements: a good RAID controller and (naturally) SATA compatibility.  If anyone has a suggestion or some unneeded hardware, let me know.
> Thanks,
> Jeff LePage
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