[CoLoCo] Dual-Boot WinXP/Ubuntu Advice

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Tue Jan 1 21:59:48 GMT 2008

I still need XP on here because most of my games which I still play 
aren't Wine compatible.

Andrew wrote:
> We'll it's really not that difficult, and you'll probably be surprised 
> when your done.
> That being said, it doesent hurt to use caution though.
> When I did it, I made sure to unistall as much as possible and 
> defragment. That way my hard drive was as nice and clean as possible. 
> I then proceeded to use the alternate install disk and went with the 
> "Guided Partitioning" method. I chose to re-sisze Windows, and fill 
> the empty space with the default Ubuntu partitioning options.
> after it was done... Grub was installed over the windows MBR, and gave 
> me options for booting both. ...I eventually felt confortable getting 
> rid of windows.
> .......................................................................................... 
> It went fairly smoothly for me, even with the resizing of Windows. I 
> think Windows had to check for consistancy, but it still worked  fine. 
> I have messed with, and tried some different partitioning optins since 
> though.
> By far the easiest way of dual booting has been to give Windows it's 
> own (crap 5 Gig drive in my case) Hard Drive, and to set it as SLAVE.
> Then to install another Hard Drive as Master.
> That way Grub is installed to the Master Drive, and the Windows MBR is 
> left intact just in case.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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