[CoLoCo] Promoting Open Office

Jim Hutchinson jim at ubuntu-rocks.org
Wed Dec 17 04:50:35 GMT 2008

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 8:25 AM, Jeffrey LePage <jeffrey_lepage at yahoo.com>wrote:

> Pushing OpenOffice is a great idea, but a newspaper ad may not be the best
> way to do it.

I think anything that gets the attention of regular users is a good idea.
Many regular people read the paper. I think if some of them saw the ad they
would probably try it out. However, I don't know how much such ads cost and
not being wealthy I'm willing to invest much into helping Sun. However, I
don't mind helping FOSS grow and I think trying to get people to jump to
Ubuntu is probably too big a leap. Get them to use OOo first and then down
the line they will be more open to other changes.

> I think we should create an ad first, and then decide how to distribute.
>  Fortunately, there is already an ad we could use:
> http://homepage.mac.com/bhorst/
> Of course, this is already a little dated; we need to change the version
> number, etc.  It's licensed under Creative Commons and the original design
> docs are available.

That's a nice looking ad and something like that could work. I was thinking
more text based, smaller and cheaper. I kind of liked the idea of
juxtaposing with MS Office as that is something most people recognize and
would make an instant connection between that and OOo.

I would be willing to put up some links on my school websites.  For those of
> you associated with libraries and schools: how about putting flyers in the
> library/school newsletters?  Or posters around the schools?

I already have fliers around the library and lab for this. It hasn't had any
great impact but probably a dozen students have taken discs home now.

If anyone is willing to help place an ad somewhere let me know and I'll look
into it more but probably running out of time to be much use before

Jim (Ubuntu geek extraordinaire)
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