[CoLoCo] programming for kids

telecon at infosyndicate.net telecon at infosyndicate.net
Tue Dec 2 21:53:20 GMT 2008

I see that the leapster 2 syncs with windows pc's.

Is there an opensource version of that learning type software?  Might be a
good project.

On Tue, Dec 02, 2008 at 02:50:17PM -0700, Andrew wrote:
> I found this neat greenfoot program today.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tcwx-I6Arwk&feature=channel
> It looks kind of neat. I don't really know how to program, but it seems like
> it would be a very useful skill.
> any suggestions for something to help getting into programming. I might try
> this greenfoot thing out, but i'd like to know other things to try. I like
> this one because it presents some interesting motivations like trying to
> create an anthill simulation, or to create an asteroids game. I seem to need
> a good directional motivator for me to continuue with things. I know some of
> you have expressed good feelings about python and ruby, but are there any
> good project ideas to use with those. If i don't have a good project goal,
> i'm less likeley to stick with it.
> I also have my arduino programming environment which is a hobbyist
> robotics/electronics programming environment that introduces c. And i also
> have the Eclipse IDE loaded on my machine for another java project.

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