[CoLoCo] CoLoCo monthly team meeting

NICK VERBECK nerdynick at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 02:20:50 BST 2007

+1 for arvada. Would be able to show up to the Longmont every once in a while.

I am how every down to see if we can pull off a 3 location meeting via
skype. Run something in Arvada, longmont, and something on the
westside. I am willing to work with someone in both areas (Longmont -
westside) to see if the 3 of us can get something working so that we
can get the mass of the group to geather. We can then once every other
month or something do 1 big meeting at a central location or something
where everyone can meet each other in person.

On 9/19/07, Daniel Galecki <dgalecki at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would be up for attending a geek-session. For me to attend on a weekday it
> would have to be in Arvada.
> -Daniel Galecki
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Nick Verbeck - NerdyNick

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