[CoLoCo] CoLoCo monthly team meeting

Tibor Hetei ubunturocks at itcare.net
Thu Sep 20 00:26:56 BST 2007

Aaah. A take charge approach. :-) Sounds good.

Jim Hutchinson wrote:
> We have a kind of distributed model right now. If you want to do
> something you just do it. Send an email to the list and say "west slop
> meeting this whatever" and see what happens. I would like us to try
> and come up with somewhat "official" coordinators so that things don't
> get too crazy as we grow.
> On 9/19/07, Tibor Hetei <ubunturocks at itcare.net> wrote:
>> I would like to be part of a west slope organizing effort. It is "my
>> first time" ;-) so some help initially would be appreciated.
>> Jim Hutchinson wrote:
>>> I fully understand. I just don't know how to do it and in the spirit
>>> of open source someone else is free to take this on. I also think we
>>> need to look at regional meetings since statewide is simple to much of
>>> an area for everyone who wants to attend to be able to. I think we
>>> will try and address this at the first meeting. I'd like to see a
>>> northern, southern, and maybe west slop option. People in Denver can
>>> go up or down as they see fit.
>>> Jim
>>> On 9/19/07, phillip.j.tribble at seagate.com <phillip.j.tribble at seagate.com> wrote:
>>>> You are right Jim. Secondlife would feel pretty crappy to me, but it is an
>>>> alternative. We have to remember that the opensource community is free and
>>>> does not pay for gas (if only they opensourced gas "FLOSG: Free and
>>>> liberated Open Source Gas". I do not now how to get audio setup with a
>>>> microphone, otherwise I would host it on my laptop and record what is going
>>>> on in the meeting. I am not too familiar with secondlife myself.
>>>> --
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