[CoLoCo] Slashdot for our LUG

Dave Vanderploeg dave.vanderploeg at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 00:16:07 BST 2007

Interesting thought, I've been thinking about similar things lately, mostly
on how we could make CoLoCo more effective. I was thinking about a trouble
ticket system for user problems. It would be especially effective if we ever
manage to start our "Free software / Free support" site.

Just asking though, how would having a site like that be more effective or
different than the current email list?

On 9/17/07, phillip tribble <phillip.tribble at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I had a idea. I was thinking we create a website like slashdot and post
> new articles and the Ubuntu Colorado Local Community Team members respond to
> the articles. We could use wordpress or other collaboration software. I like
> to learn mediawiki =) This will be a good way to respond and interact with
> the Linux community news. What are your thoughts.?
> --
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