[CoLoCo] New member near Broomfield

Ryan Maki ryan.maki at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 16:32:25 BST 2007

Hello list,

My name is Ryan Maki, I've been watching the list for about a week  
and I wanted to introduce myself.  I've been using Ubuntu since 4.04  
on PC and Mac hardware.  I test software for a living and I'm lucky  
enough to use Ubuntu at work.  Over the years I've also dabbled with  
programming, and I'm quite fond of Ruby, which someone mentioned a  
few days ago.

My wife and I moved to Colorado in 2005 and we are living near  

I also wanted to pitch in a comment regarding the shirts.  My  
friend's wife is enrolled in an art school fabric arts program and  
has been working with embroidery for several years.  As he discovered  
when helping her buy hardware and software, not all DST files are the  
same.  The file specifies some pretty nifty tricks for the machine to  
use to soften or sharpen edges and blend colors based on the  
stitching patterns.  He's made a few baseball cap logos and from what  
he described of the process I can see why a good embroidery shop  
would charge $100 for the process.  If you have a non-trivial design,  
and you'd like it translated well into fabric, it might easily be  
worth the charge.

Perhaps I'd be able to talk him or his wife into working (pro bono,  
since he's also fond of Ubuntu) on a future design for the group, if  
one is ever settled upon ;-)

Neal's email gave me a few future t-shirt design ideas, if I have  
time today I'll sketch something out and post.

~ Ryan

On Sep 9, 2007, at 8:08 AM, Neal McBurnett wrote:

> I'm not talking about changing the logo for this tshirt, so don't
> worry, Jim :-)
> But yesterday I was reminded of another Colorado icon, way more
> familiar than the state flag - the license plate, especially the
> classic license plate with the mountain silhouette.
> Does anyone feel like mocking up a CO license plate with ubuntu logo
> in the middle?  Some of the other license plate designs might work
> well also.
>  http://www.worldlicenceplates.com/usa/US_COXX.html
> Or a design with the plate warped into the shape of the
> state, inside the Ubuntu logo, I suppose.
> Cheers,
> Neal McBurnett                 http://mcburnett.org/neal/
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