[CoLoCo] Dell moves 40,000 Ubuntu PCs

Dave Vanderploeg dave.vanderploeg at gmail.com
Fri Nov 30 15:35:18 GMT 2007

Yeah, what if the configure page for EVERY machine had an option to deduct X
amount of dollars for the Microsoft OS and install Ubuntu (or even no OS at
all) instead?


On Nov 30, 2007 8:17 AM, Kevin Fries <kfries at cctus.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 07:13 -0700, phillip tribble wrote:
> > http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/11/30/ubuntu_dell_sales/
> >
> >
> > "Dell agreed to ship PCs and laptops with the Ubuntu operating system
> > after more than 130,000 people promoted the notion on the company's
> > IdeaStorm web site. It would seem, however, that only a fraction of
> > these zealots were willing to back their votes with cash." - TFA
> Here is the questions I would love to see Dell answer...
> If those machines were placed right on the front page, along side the
> Windows based machines (instead of being relegated to a special
> "alternative OS" part of their site), including the price breaks for not
> having to include Windows and Office licenses... Now how well would they
> sell.
> John A Consumer comes to the Dell website, and selects the features of
> he is interested in.  He is now presented with 7 machines all of which
> serve his purpose.  Two of the three least expensive machines run linux.
> One of the three is barely in the category in the bottom three (as far
> as price) and runs Windows.  Now how many Linux based machines would
> they sell?  When the consumer can compare side by side, and get a true
> sense of their options, the real revolution will begin.
> Dell is still too Microsoft centric.  They are pandering to the Linux
> community.  We want real competition, because we know we will win.
> Microsoft doesn't want real competition for the same reason.  When you
> factor feature per value received, neither Steve (Balmer or Jobs) want
> to see Linux given a fair shake.  For then they would be forced to
> justify their prices and profits against the value received over Linux.
> I don't believe either one has a sustainable answer for that.
> --
> Kevin Fries
> Senior Linux Engineer
> Computer and Communications Technology, Inc
> A Division of Japan Communications Inc.
> --
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