[CoLoCo] purpose of the coloco list

TJ Heaney tjheaney at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 16:38:26 GMT 2007

I tend to see this list as a community list, really.

A place where we, as a team, can communicate, be it for social, or Ubuntu

In my opinion, it should be primarily oriented toward Ubuntu-topics, but,
should not be a taboo to stray away from that with the intent to foster
community and growth as a team.


On Dec 21, 2007 8:51 AM, Neal McBurnett <neal at bcn.boulder.co.us> wrote:

> I'm curious what folks would like this list to be used for.
> My sense is that we should try to stick to the _intersection_ of
> Ubuntu and Colorado.  I.e. it is a great place for posting ideas for
> local loco activities and discussing them.  But using it to post or
> discuss general linux news duplicates other better sources.   And lots
> of general social chat can drive away folks with too much mail already
> in their mailbox.
> Of course everything is fun from time to time, and strict rules aren't
> much fun.  But there are better lists for general linux news and
> better places for chat.
> We've already seen folks unsubscribe from the list because it can get
> off-topic or low signal-to-noise.
> Thoughts?
> Neal McBurnett                 http://mcburnett.org/neal/
> --
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