[CoLoCo] purpose of the coloco list

Neal McBurnett neal at bcn.boulder.co.us
Fri Dec 21 15:51:11 GMT 2007

I'm curious what folks would like this list to be used for.

My sense is that we should try to stick to the _intersection_ of
Ubuntu and Colorado.  I.e. it is a great place for posting ideas for
local loco activities and discussing them.  But using it to post or
discuss general linux news duplicates other better sources.   And lots
of general social chat can drive away folks with too much mail already
in their mailbox.

Of course everything is fun from time to time, and strict rules aren't
much fun.  But there are better lists for general linux news and
better places for chat.

We've already seen folks unsubscribe from the list because it can get
off-topic or low signal-to-noise.


Neal McBurnett                 http://mcburnett.org/neal/

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