[CoLoCo] Super Key Sticker?

simon engelbert simonengelbert at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 20 18:01:17 GMT 2007

On a thread a while back someone made a comment about removing the Windows logo branded on the super key itself. I kinda made a half-serious comment about a sticker to cover it up but then the more I have thought about it the better of an idea I think it is….but that may just be me. Would anyone even be interested in a tiny circular or square sticker that would cover up the windows logo on the super key with the Ubuntu logo? I was thinking the sticker would have to be around ¼ inch to ½  inch to cover most windows logos and that would also make sure it wasn't too big for the entire key. So would anyone be interested or is this idea completely stupid? I have not really talked to anyone about costs and whatever….I just thought I would see if the idea was even worth perusing. Thoughts?

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