[CoLoCo] Gartner Tells Companies to Adopt Vista or Die
Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
Sat Dec 8 04:22:19 GMT 2007
I'm no conspiracy theorist nor do I wear an aluminum foil hat but I've
been noticing a distinct pattern that leads me to believe that there is
a concerted and well organized effort to discredit Linux. The first was
obvious, the whole SCO debacle. Only a fool couldn't see it for what it
was; Microsoft fighting a proxy war against Linux via another company.
There is the patent troll which recently surfaced that's going after Red
Hat and its run by ... wait for it ... former Microsoft employees who
worked in their ... wait for it ... licensing and copyright
departments. This came days after Steve Balmer made the claim that
Linux violated several of Microsoft's patents yet refused to tell anyone
what those patents were, yet again. Then there are articles like these
from so called industry analysts preaching about the wonders of Windows
and spreading blatantly obvious false info about Linux (this one doesn't
but were others that did). Its not too improbably to believe that there
is indeed a conscious effort behind all of this and considering Steve
Balmer's record in Microsoft its not too far fetched to say that maybe
this conspiracy theory is right on the money.
Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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