[CoLoCo] Gartner Tells Companies to Adopt Vista or Die

Michael "TheZorch" Haney thezorch at gmail.com
Fri Dec 7 18:15:31 GMT 2007

Chomafin wrote:
> This guy seems like quite the idiot..
> I see no reason for people to upgrade yet if they are getting by 
> fine.  I'm sure I am not the only one that has spoken with people 
> still running Win3.1/95 because it still works just fine for them.  
> Like Jim noted, It seems his only reason to upgrade now is because 
> windows7 might flop.. Opposed to mentioning what new great features 
> are left out.. 
> Just a thought.. Does Windows get more secure as new versions get 
> released? heh.. How many of the new virus/malware out there cause 
> damage to Win98se?
Whatever happened to RealityOS?  I think it was a marriage of Linux, 
X.org, and Wine together in an integrated fashion that mimicked the look 
and feel of Windows XP and it could actually run quite a few Windows 
programs and games.  Last I heard of it several months ago someone had 
gotten World of Warcraft to run on it.

Michael "TheZorch" Haney
thezorch at gmail.com
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