Kevin Fries
kfries at cctus.com
Tue Aug 14 15:05:20 BST 2007
On Mon, 2007-08-13 at 19:35 -0600, Derek wrote:
> >
> > I think it is time for Linux crush micsrosoft! Any takers?
> >
> No, it's better to have a formidable opposition. It's good for
> Microsoft and
> it's good for Linux. Competition keeps the Earth creaking on
> its axle.
> I'd rather the competition be between different Linux distros,
> OpenSolaris, the BSDs (Free, Net, Open), Haiku, and possibly even
> ReactOS for kicks.
I whole heartedly agree. But would like to add Apple to that list. I
would also like to add Apple to the list of those needing to be crushed.
Come to think about it, I want to change that, I want to place Apple
above Microsoft in the list of companies to be crushed, in a healthy
market competition that includes Linux. After all, it is not Microsoft
that steals all the Linux software, adds value, then refuses to
contribute back...
But at least in a fight with Apple, we are all working from the same
*Nix platform... a much healthier competition can occur.
And as for Microsoft... I do not see them as the threat everyone else
does. I see Microsoft as a company nearly dead, but is so large the
body has not stopped twitching yet. Here is my reasoning as to why, and
only time will tell if I am right or wrong:
Microsoft is trying to compete, not by innovating and coming up
with new products, but by blocking their customers from leaving.
Now we all know how well that worked for the Soviet Union. They
were so busy keeping people from going to the west, they failed to
have any real innovation of their own. Microsoft is in the same
boat. Take a look at the desktop fiasco. Mac has a very user
friendly desktop with lots of eye candy that makes John Q Public oh
and ah. The Linux community counters that with Compiz/Beryl. Half
the system requirements, twice the flash. Microsoft counters with
Aero... five times the system requirements, half the features.
Then to follow that up, they are about to break DX10 with a .1
upgrade that will make all the DX10 hardware incompatible with the
spec (its in SP1). The ability to compete with innovative
products, in a free and open marketplace is outside of Microsoft's
grasp right now. So Microsoft obstructs users from leaving. As
Mac, and especially Linux gain a more legitimate foothold in the
marketplace, this strategy's failure will become more and more
obvious. Many people still buy Microsoft because they feel they
have no other choice. As that perception falls apart in the light
of truth, Microsoft is loosing more and more customers. The way to
stop that is through new and innovative products, and they are just
not able to do that right now. The more people that leave, the
more that perception is challenged. I believe that the exodus from
the Windows platform will accelerate exponentially over the next
five years. Then we will see if Microsoft roars back, or fades
into the pack. (I think within 5 years they will get the hint, and
release Windows as a Linux based service, similar to Mac, and will
actually become even more dominating because they will have that
Monopoly Monkey off their back).
You want to beat Microsoft to a pulp... leave them a bloody mess laying
in the gutter? Here's how: Build a low end machine that will run
Ubuntu, with all the glitz and glamor you can muster (Compiz-Fusion is
not optional), but make sure it is too small to to run Windows
effectively. Install Vista with the Aero desktop, and sit your favorite
Windows user down to it, and let them play. Over night, replace the OS
with your tricked out Ubuntu install. Sit that same user down for
another day. Let the end user see that Uncle Bill lied... this is a
usable desktop, with more features than the best Microsoft has to
offer... and faster on cheap hardware. Then let them know, Linux like
Mac is virus resistant. Finally, let them know this computer is
$300-$500 cheaper because the OS is free and the computer is smaller.
Microsoft has beat themselves up with Vista. Let Vista do its job. But
a bad OS will not do its full damage unless people perceive that there
is a good alternative. To beat Microsoft right now, simply place the
two OSs side by side. Show that Ubuntu is very usable for day to day
work. Tout its advantages like viruses, and software/license cost.
Don't sell Ubuntu... educate. People will ultimately do what is in
their best interest, and Ubuntu has the answers right now, not
Just my long winded $0.02
Kevin Fries
Senior Linux Engineer
Computer and Communications Technologies, Inc.
a division of Japan Communications, Inc.
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