Phillip Tribble
phillip.tribble at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 03:38:13 BST 2007
Derek wrote:
> >
> > I think it is time for Linux crush micsrosoft! Any takers?
> >
> No, it's better to have a formidable opposition. It's good for
> Microsoft and
> it's good for Linux. Competition keeps the Earth creaking on its axle.
> I'd rather the competition be between different Linux distros,
> OpenSolaris, the BSDs (Free, Net, Open), Haiku, and possibly even
> ReactOS for kicks.
I am looking forward to Haiku.
Phillip Tribble
That Guy INC.
"The glass is neither half empty or full, the rest of the water never made it to your glass" - PJT
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